Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A breakthrough right now...

In life, whatever we are going through...whatever we are waiting to overcome...

...we all want that quick fix... and we want it NOW! ... For the pain to be taken away... for things to be easy...without any blood, sweat and tears. 

  • Freedom from an addiction or habit
  • Healing from a physical/psychological sickness or ailment
  • Solution to Financial problems
  • Marriage problems instantly cured
  • A Restored Relationship
  • Overcoming a stronghold or mindset that you've believed most your life
  • God's Truth to Transform our lives

...Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way ...Fortunately, it does work that way.

Victories come. Breakthroughs come. But they take TIME, FAITH, PERSEVERANCE and DILIGENCE! They take molding. Us moving a step forward in the process of becoming more like Christ. If they didn't take these things, it wouldn't stick. We wouldn't learn from the experience. We couldn't share and help others with our stories. We would not live differently.

We've all received victory and breakthroughs in life... we just have to recognize them (big or small). It may not be the one you want at this moment, but don't down play its importance... CELEBRATE IT!

I've overcome depression's hold over me. I've overcome my lack of faith in God's love and acceptance for me. I've overcome doubt, selfishness and negativity in my marriage. I've overcome the way I view money and the need or want for it - Instead, I trust in His provisions.

It took time, trial, perseverance, faith and diligence! It took me learning how to REFOCUS - on the right thing (the root of the issue, what God's word says about it, and what He is teaching me); instead of the wrong thing (the issue, the circumstance, my feelings about it ).

Was it easy? NO way.

Was it completely worth it? Absolutely.

While some of these things still try and creep back into my life, I recognize their falsehood because I have already battled for that freedom. I take the lies and thoughts about them captive (2 Cor 10:5) and live by what I know (Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 8:28)... God's Truth. It is the only truth we have and we must cling to it. Our lives depend on it!

What do I want to go away RIGHT NOW? My son's behavioral issues and my response to it, my feelings of failure as a mom, my love for food and its comfort, my fixation with body image and weight. What do I KNOW? That they will in His timing. My God is bigger and has a plan. Looking at my past victories, I can see that they were a learning process I HAD to go through. Now being on the other side of these things, I'm so thankful for the experience. I lean on this in times of trial and know that I know that I know that God will bring me victory in this area in His timing and with my obedience.

I must, however, not focus on the victory, because it will come when I'm not expecting it and will look different than what I picture.

So... what do you want to overcome or to go away at this very moment?

What are you doing to work towards that goal?

What are you focusing on? The victory (what you picture it to look like)? Or what God is teaching you right now through it?

Isaiah 55:9 The heavens are higher than the earth. And my ways are higher than your ways. My thoughts are higher than your thoughts.

Eph 3:20 God is able to do far more than we could ever ask for or imagine. He does everything by his power that is working in us.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

God has other plans

So... yesterday, as I was to post my weekly blog... I was weak, beaten down... I had nothing. I figured I'd just skip this week and wait till I was in a better place next week... God had other plans...

This morning, the "You Version" bible verse of the day was

1 Corinthians 1:27 But God has chosen what the world calls foolish to shame the wise. He has chosen what the world calls weak to shame what is strong.

I didn't just choose to read it and move on with my day. I chose to meditate on it and see what it was saying to me. Yes, I am weak (in myself). Yes, I am foolish (in my own doing). But He CHOSE me. I am not to dwell on my weaknesses and inadequacies. I am to surrender them so God may do His good work and RECEIVE all the Glory.

God has given me a calling of transparency... revealing my foolishness and weakness... So I can not boast. But, So He can cover it and be glorified.

Thank you Lord for this calling. I will obey. I will not choose to hide in the moment when things are tough and wait to share when things are better. I will instead share my life ... where I am and the promise of where I am going.

Yesterday was full of feelings of defeat and failure of being a mom - Yes, Satan is hammering as hard as HE can in this area right now. I will not fold and give into it. I will NOT believe it. I will not make it my truth. For MY truth comes from THE TRUTH.

I will surrender my weaknesses and inadequacies and claim my Identity in Christ

1. I have the mind of Christ and hold the thoughts of His heart. (1 Cor 2:16)
2. I have NO lack for my God supplies ALL of my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:19)
3. I have received the power of the Holy spirit. I have power over the enemy in Jesus Name (Luke 10:17,19; Mark 16:17,18)

What will you claim as your truth when things seem bleak? Will you allow your foolishness and weaknessese to defeat you OR will you allow God to use them for His glory?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

All You Need is Love...

Joyce Meyer says - There is nothing more important than for you to know that you know that you know that God loves you unconditionally. There has NEVER been a time in your life that God has NOT loved you. HE WILL NEVER NOT LOVE YOU.

 I agree and I’ve spoke of this before. But I believe it’s worth revisiting.

This truth is so simple. MANY think they believe it, but VERY FEW actually grasp it in their lifetime… I've been a Christian since I was 10 years old, yet, I didn’t finally get "this" until I was 28!!!

You have to watch this powerful video!

 Ever since I was little, I believed in God's love... it was fact. I sang about it ... read about it... heard about it in church... yet I was still miserable, overwhelmed in depressed the majority of the time. Why? I never felt GOOD enough. I thought I had to be better. So I invited Satan's condemnation into my life because I could NOT combat it with God's love. I couldn’t combat it, because I did NOT have the FAITH in His love to RECEIVE IT.

Why is this truth so hard to grasp? I believe it's because...

1. We don't understand what love really is

  • Very early on, we learn to love the way the world loves... conditionally... a give and take kind of relationship. Therefore, most of feel we need to BE or DO something more for God to love us. This is LEGALISM and not love. If this was true, Christ did NOT have to die.
  • This lie is so easily received because it's the world's thinking and what our flesh is drawn to. You don't NEED faith for this kind of "love." Our spirit is drawn to God's love, but if we keep allowing our flesh to control our lives, we cannot understand and believe in His True Love.

2. We don't love ourselves

  • All of us in some way or another are constantly trying to fill ourselves with something because we don't know how to just RECEIVE God's love. Why did God create us? He was so full of something (love) that we wanted somewhere to put it. That hole we are trying to fill is only satisfied with God's love. Why did He create you? To Love You. (Pastor Chip Judd)
  • Satan makes sure we feel condemnation any chance he gets. In fact, Satan's first method of temptation to Eve in the garden was to bring doubt of God's love upon her. (BSF Int'l Genesis study). That right there shows us the importance of knowing God's love.
  • You must learn to love yourself JUST BECAUSE GOD LOVE YOU, only then will you get the upper hand of condemnation in your life.

Do we really know what love is?

1. It’s a CHOICE, not a feeling.


    • Totally giving of yourself to meet the needs of others without expecting anything in return
    • Loving someone exactly as they are today; regardless of what they have done in the past, are doing in the present, or what they will do in the future.
    • It leaves no room for disappointment in or shame for another - only COMPLETE ACCEPTANCE
To find the true meaning, we must go to the Word of God

  • 1 John 4:8 Those who do not love do not know God because God is love.
  • Love freely gives – John 3:16 He so loved us, he GAVE
  • Love IS BEFORE receiving anything in return Romans 5:8 but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners (His enemies), Christ died for us.
  • Love is a Bond that CANNOT be broken – Romans 8:38-39 NOTHING can keep us from the love of God through Christ
  • Love plays NO favorites – Job 34:19 (he shows no favor one over another - We are ALL the work of His hands)
  • Love Is steadfast (constant, unwavering) and Endures forever – Psalm 136:26
Jesus came to help us “SEE” the love of God

 So How did I Come to KNOW of God’s love?

Joyce Meyer in Battlefield of the Mind says, In order to experience God’s love, you have to meditate on it. If you don’t meditate on it, you will not experience it.

That’s exactly what I did. Every morning, I would close my eyes, sit in quiet and speak three words “God Loves Me.”  I would then think on those three powerful words, and speak it again with more confidence. I’m not sure when it happened, but I truly believe this is how I found it.

Just like Love is a CHOICE, not a feeling;
Accepting His Love is a choice and not based on a feeling.

 So… Do you know that you know that you know that God Loves You? Do you ever doubt his love? Do you give into the voice of condemnation and allow it to take away your joy? Do you trust him with your life? Your whole life?

Do the God Love Me exercise even if you believe it already. It may open your eyes to something more. I pray it blesses you the way it has me.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sticks and Stones...

"Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me..."

Whoever came up with that one!?!? Not only is it false for speaking out at others, but maybe more so for speaking to yourself. (outward speech and inward talk - your thoughts).

I think of myself as a pretty positive person ...speaking and being able to turn my thoughts around. ... But boy have I been blinded in the area of my children... especially my "character builder".... even more specifically homeschooling him.

It's a long battle and a daily struggle where I'm literally hanging onto a thread. I really don't know if I've daily attempted anything harder than this before. I have been failing miserably at speaking words of life to him and most of my mommy guilt stems from this. My patience is shot... And I could swear that, at times, my face is beet red and steam is coming out of my ears.

I have been praying for a long time for God to cover this area for me, but it doesn't seem to get much better. My prayers sound something like "God I cant do this. I need you. Help me change HIM." ... Could it be that my own prayers, thoughts, words are hindering my progress?!?!

My prayers NEED to be positive. I need a new prayer .. from CHANGE HIM to SHOW ME. 

Father God, Thank you for my precious boys and the opportunity you've given me to train their hearts. Thank you for always loving me even when I fail.
  • Show me how to do the same - train them up and discipline in this love.
  • Show me how to love and accept ALL of them the way you love and accept ALL of me.
  • Show me how to allow them to be who you created them to be and not some perfect mold that "I" think they should.
  • Give me the grace to change my perspective and control my anger. I recognize that changing this part of me WILL make all the difference.  

I've also recognized a few other things to:
  • I have to take responsibility for my words no matter how hard or validated I feel they are
  •  My words and thoughts NEED to line up with my new prayers                P-O-S-I-T-I-V-E
  • Changing my words and what I speak to and over him, is the FIRST step to changing my thoughts and perspective of the situation
  • When I speak of him to others, that talk MUST be positive and hopeful as well
I was recently told that, it's the "character builders" who you form the tightest bonds with later in life. I CLAIM this while I persevere, hold my tongue and take my own "time outs" to find my sanity. I will SPEAK this when change seems hopeless. I will PUSH FORWARD, and be POSITIVE in my thoughts, words and actions no matter how the outlook appears in my mind.

So WHO do you need to put this very thing into practice with?

Your Child(ren)? Spouse? Relative? Boss? Friend? Neighbor?

 Who in your life brings out some little "uncontrollable monster" at times? Where in your life is their negative talk (inwardly and outwardly) going on? Evaluate your prayer life... what area(s) are you not praying positively in? Are you hindering your own progress?
Give it a try... Change your words about them... See what happens!
Just saw this video on a tweet. How appropriately fitting! Enjoy!


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Is it me, or is there no way around "Mommy Guilt"?

The MOM WHO WORKS out of the home or goes back to school (whether out of a need or want) feels guilty for NOT
  • being home and keeping it in "perfect" order
  • being more involved in her kids lives
  • getting done all that she feels is expected of her
  • I'm sure I've left out a few...
The STAY AT HOME MOM feels guilty for NOT
  • keeping her home and all other things expected of her in "perfect" order
  • having the perfect child(ren) because she has "time" with them
  • having her child more active in activities and sports due to finances
  • being able to contribute to the family finances
  • and belive it or not, for not feeling she gets "good" time with her little ones
It doesnt matter what end of the spectrum you are on, Satan knows how to get to all of us - attacking our ability, decisions and adequacy as a mother.

... And boy has he been getting me in the adequacy department. Seriously, the lies are a daily struggle these days. I don't feel like a good mom. I just don't seem to have the time I need to get IT all done. I don't feel like I have them "under control" and am able to teach them all the things that I need to. And, I'm ashamed to admit how often I lose my cool with them... Where is my "happy heart"!?!?

We have to stop and recognize where the guilt and lies are coming from AND that it will always be there UNLESS we change our perspective. This guilt is only a feeling... it is not truth. It's up to us whether we will take that guilt and condemnation on or CHOOSE to take it captive and replace it with the truth. (2 Corinthians 10:5)

What is the truth that I CHOOSE to cling to?
  • When I feel guilt, condemnation or inadequacy as a parent, I will immediately replace it with a complete dependence on God, the ONLY perfect parent. (Psalm 138:8; Proverbs 3:5-6)
  • When I mess up or am wrong, I will humbly ask forgiveness from my savior, as well as my children. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
  • I cannot fix or control my kids - this was never my job and only leads to pride, worry and more feelings of inadequacy. I will surrender my abilities AND my children to God ...and leave it all in His more than capable hands. (Matthew 19:26)
  • I will "train up" my children according to the word and not my own agenda (Proverbs 22:6; Dueteronomy 6:4-9; Romans 12:2)
  • There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. If I hear the "not good enough" lie trying to get into my head. I will take it captive. I am a good enough mom IN Christ. (Romans 8:1; 2 Corinthians 5:21
  • I will pray God's protection for my children (not from circumstances, but instead from lies that Satan will try to fill thier minds with). When I mess up, I will repent and ask God to work in my weakness (Phillipians 4:6-7; 2 Corinthians 12:9). And, I will trust that my sins and my children's are covered because love covers a mulititude of sins (1 Peter 4:8; Romans 8:1).
BOTTOM LINE - My kids are for GOD'S GLORY and NOT MINE.
So I will stand by my newfound motto since becoming a mom ... "there is no judgement in motherhood." I believe we are all doing the best we can with what we  have. I just pray we all know what we have - The perfect helper and sustainer to lean on. (Psalm 54:4; Hebrews 4:16)