Through my experience
and Battlefield of the Mind, by Joyce Meyer, God has formed a ministry
that has been changing lives at Seacoast Church, Charleston, SC.
As we enter into our 3rd class this fall, ask yourself these questions:
- Is God calling you to join us?
- Is someone coming to mind as you read this?
Come join us as you learn more about yourself, Satan's strategy to keep you "stuck" and how to Battle back for your God-given freedom. Download the Registration Form HERE!
More Information
Inspired by Joyce Meyer's Battlefield of the Mind, but much more than a book study!
we read portions of this best seller each week, we also dive into
the BATTLES curriculum that encompasses many great bible teachers on
this subject - the mind and the role it plays in your victory or
downfall of everyday life.
week includes a brief video & curriculum teaching, a freedom
testimony from one of our Battles leaders, and a safe place for small
group discussion. This course not only educates you on the battle, it
equips you for it. Each week you will learn a new Life Battle Tool to
apply to your journey of finding freedom.
For more information, please email me at