Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A Parent to be Praised?

Parenting is hard!!! Can I get an AMEN!!! I can honestly say that I am humbled daily by my children … or my ability to parent them. Many days, I feel as though I’m failing (or inadequate) at being a “good” mom. Oddly, on the flip side, I struggle with serious pride issues as well. I think that if my kids do not act perfectly around others, that it’s a reflection on me. And, I find myself more worried about what others think than what God thinks. Oh my. Is that really what I am doing?!? All this results in me constantly being on them.

 What message am I sending? Do my kids have to earn love and acceptance from mom and dad? At first glimpse I say “Of course not” but if I really look at my actions and speech, I have to question it. Yikes!! Am I teaching a warped view of love (based on conditions)? Will they grow up believing that to be loved by anyone (including God), they must earn it? “I’m not good enough… I have to be better” – Is this the message they are receiving? Double Yikes!! Is this how I got this message!?! Is this why so many of us have a hard time understanding what Love really is… because this is how the World loves?

 If you have more than one child, chances are, one of them is your challenge, knows how to push those buttons and can bring out the worst in you. Wow, who knew that anger was in there!!! My firstborn, bless him, is my challenge. I call him my little “character builder.” I’m really hard on him. Why is that? Three things come to mind. 1) He is my first 2) He is most like me 3) I see the potential there. There is so much inner conflict and turmoil going on because on one hand I have this frustration for him to be a certain way, but on the other hand, there’s guilt because of the condemnation he is constantly receiving from me.

 I went for my jog with God. My “character builder” was on my heart and I was desperate for some wisdom. God spoke. This is what I heard … “I gave you your kids. Let them be who I’ve created them to be, not what you think they should be. THEY ARE FOR MY GLORY, NOT YOURS. Wow, talk about revelation. I am a transparent person, but until now, not in this area. I have been so prideful. I want to appear as if I have all the answers, and perfect children. Why?  So I can be praised for my abilities. Ouch. Truth Hurts. No wonder I’m stressed, confused and overwhelmed with parenting. I’m working in my own flesh and my priorities are all wrong. I’ve had 6 good years of habitual responses and a lifetime of mindsets to break. I CHOOSE to lose all pretenses, humble myself before everyone, and admit that I have no ability without His Spirit moving through me. I must raise my children for His Glory. Then and only then, will I become a parent to be praised. 

 Application: Does any of this ring true to you? I think we can all say it does to an extent. How do we change? 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A Season of Rest

As school gets out and the weather gets warmer, I feel God constantly repeating something to me....

"slow down... and rest in me"
After hearing this over and over, I'm finally getting it...

  • Take the summer off (from the ministry and constant activity)
  • "Hang out on the hammock with Daddy" (don't know who said it, but I like it!)
  •  Enjoy my family (laugh with them, reconnect with my husband)
  •  AND LISTEN to what He's trying to teach me but I've been too busy to hear.

With that said, I will be taking time off from posting new blog posts. I will definitely still be journaling, but I am going to allow time for what God's teaching me to really sink in before I share it with you. During this time, I will be sharing some of my old posts. 

I believe MANY of  us are too busy 
and He is saying the exact same thing to you. 

Won't you join me this summer and learn how to rest in Him... sit at His feet... and get your buckets refilled?

What does that look like in your life?

Pray about it and see what He reveals.