This is a silly example I thought you would enjoy hearing. The truth is, we all have examples of how we thought (and even boasted about how) we had "it" all under control. Only later to learn otherwise. Whether it's planning something or just being prideful, it's all coming from the same motive... to CONTROL. To control means to be in charge of, to have power and dominion over, to manipulate or influence. Wait... Aren't these adjectives part of God's job description and not ours!?!?
I'm learning to boast only in the Lord and not myself (1Cor 1:28-29) because nothing is possible without Him ...especially control of a situation. Why? God longs to be with YOU and have a relationship with YOU. He is a jealous God (Ex 20:4:5) and wants you to recognize your need for Him. Answer this. When things are going well, do you call on your Savior and invite Him into ALL of your day OR do you just call on Him when things are a mess? It's much easier to forget He is there when "you don't need Him right now." Our sin nature craves control. But as always, God knows best.
Control...Do you really want it? I mean do you really? Think about it. Do you really want to carry all that burden and responsibility? I'm finally admitting that I am not in control. I'm embracing it and realizing that it's not such a bad thing. What freedom it is to take that load off of my shoulders and place it where it's supposed to be ... into God's more than capable hands.
What Does That Look Like?
Giving over control does not mean throwing responsibility to the wind. God wants us to do the best we can with what we have. He walks alongside of us as we do this. But along the way, He wants us to TRUST and ALLOW Him to do what He longs to do...Give you His Best.
Trust: Believe in the reliability, truth, ability or strength of God.
How do you trust? When fear, confusion, pride or the need to have it "your way or the highway" occurs, immediately take that thought captive and give to to Him (2 Cor 10:5). Remember the "fiery darts" visual from my last (post), visualize it and SPEAK those words - "I'm trusting God."
Allow: To let or permit to happen; submit to.
How do you allow? Be open and willing to change course if He is calling us a a different way. Be listening for His voice and be flexible in your plans.
OK, let's break it down:
Stop carrying the burden ... b/c God's in control (Psalm 55:22)
Stop worrying or doubting ... b/c God's in control (Matthew 6:25-34)
Stop being afraid ... b/c God's in control (Isaiah 41:10)
Don't stress or be anxious... b/c God's in control (Philippians 4:6-7)
Don't get overwhelmed ...b/c God's in control (Matthew 11:28)
Don't be confused ...b/c God's in control (1 Cor 14:33, Proverbs 3:5-6)
Stop trying to figure everything out... be patient b/c God's in control (Proverbs 19:21, Jeremiah 29:11)
Stop trying to make everything work out exactly the way you want it.. b/c God's in control (Isaiah 55:8)
CHOOSE to RECEIVE this amazing blessing and just BREATHE!
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