Wednesday, April 18, 2012

HOW are you being filled?

Recently, I’d been having a hard time (feeling down, negative, old habits creeping back up). I was very confused why this was happening. God used a dear friend to speak to me. She could tell things were not right and so we had a chat. An Aha moment chat. When I told her what was going on, all she said was “How are you being filled?”

 Isn’t it interesting that the most profound Aha moments come from a question? It’s like you need that little push, extra effort of thinking (application), to remove the wool from your eyes. Also, did you catch it? She didn’t ask “Are” you being filled, but “How” are you being filled. This is huge. You can always find someone or something to fill you temporarily, but is it good for you? Sometimes, they are even good things, but are they the best for you?

 I realized that I was giving out as a mom, as a wife, as a homeschool teacher, in my friendships, in my ministry, etc. These are all good … really good. However, I was doing all this without getting filled back up the right way, especially in the area of utilizing the healthy relationships God had place all around me. I didn’t even mean to, I was just “too busy.” I was trying to do it alone. We are not that strong.

 Application: Picture in your mind a bucket full of water. It’s imperfect with holes so it cannot stay full if left alone and not refilled? Also, the water in the bucket has many uses, so the water is often poured out and used elsewhere causing the water supply to decrease even more. Questions … Are you attached to "the water source” and continually getting filled? Are you accessing all of God’s ways to be filled? Are you filling back up with foggy or clean water? When you’re giving out, “how” are you getting filled back up? And lastly, Do you know how to be still with the Lord and let Him fill you? (I will admit I’m continually working on this one – Funny I say that… I’m not supposed to be “working” at it … I’m supposed to be “still” and depending on Him.)

 When you’re out of balance, you are working in your own strength and will fall. To have an abundant life, you have to continually be filled by Him. Click Go Deeper to see ways God fills us (I need them ALL, how about you?)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Life Verse or Life Vest?

What is a Life Verse? It’s a fairly new term that you will not find in the dictionary.  In fact, in some searches, it asks if you meant to look up the word “life vest”. Interesting…. Another blogger has defined it as “the drive behind your decision making process, the motivation for your work, your life vest during an emergency.” I have to agree. My verse is my comfort, my joy and my reason for living. Most importantly, it has become my weapon when I am weak. The coolest thing is, it has spoken different things to me at different times in my life. Why? I believe its because you must get revelation in one area before your eyes are opened for more! So, when you think you know a verse, remember, you cannot study it enough – God speaks each time. Click on Go Deeper (below) to hear my journey with this verse.

John 10:10 The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).

Application: Have you experienced the Power of God’s Word - Alive, Active, Sharper than any double edged sword (Hebrews 4:12)? Do you have a life verse? Do you have a verse or verses that speaks life to you? Comforts you? Rejuvenates? If so, I would love to hear them and your stories. If not, I challenge you to search the scriptures. He is waiting to reveal so much to us if we would just come to Him and take the time. Use this precious gift that's available at all times. If you dont know where to start, begin where Jesus' story (on earth) does... in the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John).

Friday, April 6, 2012

A Story of Love

In the Old Testament, all were separated from God because of their sin. For atonement, a sacrifice had to be made through a priest with all kinds of rules. When Jesus came to Earth, He became both our High Priest and Ultimate Sacrifice. What a beautiful Love story that only God could design. And the climax of the story happened this weekend. Wow, do we really get that? I know I get caught up in all the other stuff that I often forget. I CHOOSE, this Easter, to keep the focus on Him and what He did.

Application: This weekend while you’re dyeing eggs, hiding them, having family dinners, wearing your new outfits to a Sunday service, I urge you to do some soul searching. Do you really believe in the Easter story? How has it changed you? Have you stopped to think about what he actually did for YOU? If you haven't, what better time for you to do business with the Lord!

I went to re-post this old post (see above) and noticed a song link was no longer working. As I went to search for it, I found this. Please watch and allow yourself time to reflect - truly powerful
Happy Easter!!! He has Risen. He has risen INDEED!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What is an Aha! Moment?

What is an Aha Moment?  I believe it’s a revelation (my husband used the word epiphany) – when head knowledge reaches your heart. Once something is in your heart, no one or thing can take it away from you. In Ephesians 1:17-20, Paul prays not for happiness or good circumstances for the Ephesians, but that God would give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better and that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you.  He is praying for a revelation for the Ephesians. This is my prayer for others; that they receive revelation. Even if my blog helps only one person, it’s completing what’s its intended to do. As I share with you a little bit of me, my hope is that you personalize it to your life. If anything speaks to you, please take it to God. We are called to Test everything and hold onto the good (1 Thessalonians 5:21). If he speaks to you – don’t let the moment pass, APPLY IT! The only way we grow is through APPLICATION. I challenge you to do this … please challenge me to do the same!!!!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

God Loves Me ... This I Know?

I know it might seem silly or simple, but the most significant AHA moment, thus far, happened about 6 years ago when I realized that God Loves Me. Period. God loves me. There are no, “if’s, and’s or but’s.” Sure, most of us think we know this, but I only knew it in my head. I didn’t accept it as Truth. I thought he was ashamed of me. You see, I always heard a voice in my head saying “You’re not good enough.” So, I was constantly striving to be better. I was seeking to EARN acceptance from the Father. Not eternal life, because I knew I was saved, but approval. I just wanted him to be proud of me. I am pleased to say that I have received revelation in this area and it’s been the most precious gift He could have given me.

Ephesians 3:18-19 And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. 19 May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

God can not love you any more or less than he does at this very moment. His love for you is throughout the bible, for He IS Love. No more condemnation! No matter what I do or have done, I know that I know that I know that He loves me. I accept it! I can say it with complete confidence and no one or thing can take it away from me! How did this become revelation? It was little by little and only through actually meditating on the thought that God loves me. You have to meditate on his Love - be still and let him show you - in order to experience it. (A little technique I picked up from Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer)

Application: Do you really believe God Loves You? All of You? The good, the bad AND the ugly? Do you ACCEPT it as Truth (Believe it to your core) and NEVER doubt it?

Humor me. Stop what you are doing and just say the name (outloud) "Jesus." Wait a few moments and think about Him. Or, if you have the time right now, follow this link
to Natalie Grant's "Your Great Name," listen and speak His name with the song. What do you feel? Is it thankfulness, praise, comfort? Or is it guilt and condemnation? If God's love has not become revelation to you (you feel guilt and condemnation), I urge you to meditate on this simple Truth. John 3:16 For God so loved the world," that he sent you "Jesus," his son, to be the ultimate and perfect sacrifice to cover your sins. All of your sin. As Joyce Meyer says,"God knew what he was getting when He made you."

To meditate means to contemplate, ponder, think on, turn over and over in your mind. I challenge you for the next 7 days to take a few minutes each day and be still. Think on this one thought, "God Loves Me". Throughout your week, when doubt creeps in, say it again. And again. After one week, please share your experiences. My hope is that this 7 day challenge will become a new daily habit.